Table 1

Summaries and Additional Data from Study Results on Women's Heterosexual Aggression
Authors N Population Outcomes
Sarrel & Masters, 1982   11 Men seeking sex therapy Reported negative emotional response to sexual abuse
Struckman-Johnson & Struckman-Johnson 1994  204 College men, 
X age = 22
33% experienced pressured or forced sex since age 16
Larimer, Lydum, Anderson, and Turner 1999 M=165
College Students in Greek orgs.
X age = 19
20.7% of men and 27.5% (ns) of women experienced unwanted sexual contact; .6% of men and 4.6% of women experienced physically forced sexual contact (p < .05)
Anderson 1998  461 College women
X age = 22, 78% single
32% to 51% reported initiating sexual contact with a man who was "under the influence" of alcohol or drugs
Anderson, 1996  212 College women
X age = 22, 78% single
Women who held adversarial beliefs about relationships and/or experienced past sexual abuse were more likely to be sexually aggressive toward men
Struckman-Johnson & Struckman-Johnson, 1992 M=157 
College Students 
X age = 20
Approx. 20% believed that it is impossible to rape a man
Margolin 1990 M=171
College Students It is more acceptable for a woman to deny sexual consent than for a man
Craig Shea 1998 #1=171
College Women
X age = 19
Coercers were more likely to have experienced physical punishment as a child, to have said "no" but meant "yes" to sexual intercourse, and to have experienced sexual coercion 
Clements-Schrieber,, 1998 234 Canadian women
X age = 39
31% to 97% reported a likelihood of using overt pressure (kissing, touching, undressing) and 13% to 28% of using covert (get him drunk, make him jealous) to get sex from a reluctant man
Struckman-Johnson, 1988 M=268
College Students
X age = 20
Of those coerced, more men than women (52% vs. 16%) experienced psychological force, more women than men (55% vs. 10%) physical force, and equal percents (10%) no consent due to intoxication
Anderson & Aymami, 1993 M=128
College Students
X age = 24
15 of 26 items showed significantly higher support by men than women
Anderson & Sorensen, 1999 M=82
College Students
X age = 22
12 of 17 items showed significantly higher support by men than women