Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Volume 2, Feb. 6, 1999




Assmann, H. "Theology for a Nomad Church”, Maryknoll, Orbis, 1976

Atkinson & Lehman, eds. "Luther's Works", Fortress Press, 1966

Aulen, Gustaf  "Christus Victor",  Macmillan Publishing Co., 1969

Barstow,  Anne "Married Priests and the Reforming Papacy",  Edwin Mellen Press, 1982

Baus, Karl  "History of the Church" Vol. 2, New York: Seabury Press, 1980

Bettensen, Henry, trans. "City of God", Penguin Books, 1972

Bockle and Pohier, eds. "Sexuality in Contemporary Catholicism", Seabury Press, 1976

Boff, Leonard "Liberating Grace", Orbis Books, 1976

Boswell, John "Christianity,  Social Tolerance and Homosexuality", U of Chicago Press, 1980

Brooke, Christopher "Medieval Church and Society", New York University Press, 1971

Brown, Peter,  "Augustine of Hippo",  Berkeley, U of California Press, 1967

Brown, Raymond   "Jerome Biblical Commentary", Prentice-Hall, 1968

Code of Canon Law: Latin-English Edition, Canon Law Society of America Publication, 1983

Concilium Vol. 96, New York: Herder & Herder, 1974

Cooke, Bernard  "Sacraments and Sacramentality", Twenty-Third Publications, 1983

Crowe, F.E., ed.  "Cognitional Structure", Herder & Herder, 1967

Daly, Mary "GYN/ECOLOGY", Beacon Press: Boston 1978

Daniel-Rops, Henri "Daily Life in the Time of Jesus", Servant Books, Ann Arbor, 1962

Deferrari, Roy, ed.  "St. Augustine: Treatise on Marriage and Other Subjects",  Fathers of the Church, Inc., 1955

Denifle, Heinrich "Theological Studies", Vol. 29, No.3, Sept. 1968

Dronke, Peter "Abelard and Heloise in Medieval Testimonies", U. of Glasgow Press, 1976

Feuerstein, Georg, ed. "Enlightened Sexuality", The Crossing Press, Freedom, CA, 1989

Foucault, Michael "The History of Sexuality", Vol. 2 "The Use of Pleasure", New York, Pantheon Books, 1985

Fox, Matthew  “Sheer Joy”, Harper, San Francisco, 1992

Goldberg,  B.Z. "The Sacred Fire", University Books, New York, 1958

Greely, Andrew "The Great Mysteries", Seabury Press, NewYork, 1976

Guda, Richard "What Are They Saying About Moral Norms?", Paulist Press, 1982

Haeberle, Erwin "The Sex Atlas", Continuum, New York, 1981

Hebbelthwaite, Peter "Encyclical Nails Objective Right and Wrong", National Catholic Reporter, October 8, 1993

Heyward, Carter "A Priest Forever: The Formation of a Woman and a Priest", Harper &, Row, 1976

Highwater, Jamake  "Myth and Sexuality", A Meridian Book, l990

Hunt, Mary “Rethinking Religious Ethics", from Sex and Religion, Kerssemakers, ed., Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1992

Keane, Philip "Sexual Morality", Paulist Press. 1977, p.156 (note: in April 1984, Cardinal Ratzinger of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ordered Archbishop Hunthausen of Seattle to withdraw his imprimatur from this book).

Kelsey,  Morton & Barbara  “Sacrament of Sexuality”, Element, Rockport, Mass. Shaftesbury, 1986

Kennedy, Eugene "The Now and Future Church", Image Books, 1984

Kung, Hans "On Being a Christian", Collins: Fount Paperbacks, 1978

Lawrence, Raymond Jr. "The Poisoning of Eros", Augustine Moore Press, N.York, 1989

Lea, Henry Charles "History of Sacerdotal Celibacy”, University Books, 1966

Luscombe,  D.E., trans. "Peter Abelard's Ethics", Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971

Marty, Martin E. "A Short History of Christianity", Fortress Press, 1959

McBrien, Richard “Catholicism" Vol.2, Oak Grove, Winston Press, 1980

McIlvenna, Theodore, "Meditations on the Gift of Sexuality," Specific Press, 1977

National Catholic Reporter, July 30th, 1993

Nelson, James "Embodiment", Augsburg Publishing House, 1978

Nelson, James "The Intimate Connection", Westminster Press, 1988

Nouwen, Henri " Intimacy", Fides Press, 1969

Nygren, Anders "This is the Church", Muhlenberg Press, 1952

Nygren, Anders "Eros and Agape", Philip Watson, trans. London, 1953

Moore, Harry T. "Sex, Literature and Censorship", Twayne Publishers, New York, 1953

O'Connor, Elizabeth “The New Community”, Harper & Row, 1976

Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Oxford University Press, 1983

Pagels, Elaine   "Adam, Eve and the Serpent",  Random House, 1988

Reiss, Ira. "An End To Shame: Shaping our next sexual revolution", Prometheus Books, 1990

Robinson, John "Honest To God", Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1963

Ruether, Rosemary  "Sexism and God-Talk",   SCM Press, 1983

Saint Augustine, "The City of God”, See Bettensen

Sapp, Stephen  “Sexuality, the Bible, and Science",  Fortress Press, 1977

Spilka, Mark "The Love Ethic of D.H.Lawrence", Indiana University Press, 1966

Tappert, T.G., ed. "The Library of Christian Classics, Luther: Letters of Christian Counsel”,  Westminster Press, 1960

Taylor, G. Rattray, "Sex in History", Harper Torchbooks, 1970

Thielicke, Helmut "The Ethics of Sex", Fortress Press, 1964

Tillich, Paul "Morality and Beyond", Harper & Row, 1963

Timmerman, Joan "Sexuality and Spiritual Growth", Crossroad, New York, 1992

Tannahill, Reay "Sex in History", Scarborough House, 1992

Todd, John "Luther", Crossroads, 1982

Trilling, Diana "The Portable D.H.Lawrence", Viking Press

Valente, Michael "Sex -- The radical view of a Catholic theologian", Bruce Publishing Co., 1970

Vatican Two, The Documents of:  The America Press, Angelus Book, 1986

Warner, Marina "Alone Of All Her Sex", Alfred A.Knopf 1976

Weber, Leonard "Encyclopedia of Theology," Burns & Oats. 1975

Westley, Dick "Redemptive Intimacy", Twenty-Third  Publications, Mystic, CN., 1981

Westley, Dick "Morality and Its Beyond",  Twenty-Third Publications Mystic, Connecticut, 1984

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