Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Volume 13, January 24, 2010


Film Review

She's a Boy I Knew

By Gwen Haworth
Shapeshifter Films, 2008
Distributed by Outcast Films

Available from www.outcast-films.com


Reviewed and tearfully enjoyed by David Hall, PhD

It has been a long time since I was as moved and touched by a film as this one did today. I get a lot of films to review, and I don't write about the ones that do not touch me in some way. I don't have the words to properly do this film justice but in going to the Outcast Films site, I find a lot of people who did find the words to say what I felt, and rather than try to compete with them, I encourage you to go to that site and read those reviews.

Gwen Haworth's story is a familiar one to me as it parallels, in part, that of my dear friend Cheryl. Gwen Haworth is a film maker with talent and skill, and a willingness to tell her story with the tears and joys she experienced. She was fortunate to have a wealth of family films going back to before her birth. She was also fortunate to have family and friends who were willing to face her camera and pour out their hearts.

This film is a must for therapists who deal with gender issues, for teachers who want to tell the full story of gender transition, and for anyone questionning the gender they have that does not match their body.

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