Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Volume 1, November 10, 1998




Appendix D

Informational-Motivational-Behavioral Skills

Model of AIDS-Preventive Behavior

Directions: Please circle for each item how hard it would be for you to do the following with a new sexual partner.

1. Ask how many sex partners s/he has had.
(The following is printed below each numbered question.)

Very hard            Fairly hard           Fairly easy        Very easy
to do                   to do                    to do                to do

Do you plan on discussing this in real life?

(The following is printed below each "Do you plan" question.)

No, not                Probably         Not sure            Probably           Definitely
at all                       not                                             yes                      yes

2. Discuss using a condom before sex.

Do you plan on discussing this in real life?

3. Buy condoms.

Do you plan on getting condoms in real life?

4. Use a condom.

Do you plan on using a condom in real life?

5. Avoid using drugs or alcohol if you think you might be having sex later.

Do you plan on doing this in real life?

6. Refuse to have sex with the person if s/he won't use a condom.

Do you plan on only having sex with a condom?

7. If no condom is available, stop sexual activity while you or your partner go to get a condom.

Do you plan on doing this in real life?

Directions: How effectively could you do each of the following things? Please circle your answer below.

8. Discuss safer sex (such as using a rubber) with a partner before having sex with them.

(The following is printed after each numbered question.)

Very              Somewhat           Neither             Somewhat              Very
effectively       effectively                                   ineffectively              ineffectively

Do you plan on doing this in real life?

(As above for "Do you plan" questions.)

9. Refuse to have unsafe sex with a sex partner.

Do you plan on doing this in real life?

10. Acquire whatever information I need to enable me to avoid getting AIDS, or to avoid giving it to someone else.

Do you plan on doing this in real life?

11. Convince a sex partner to practice only safer sex.

Do you plan on doing this in real life?

12. Convince a sex partner to get a blood test to check whether they have the AIDS virus

Do you plan on doing this in real life?

13. Do everything I need to do in order to keep from getting AIDS, or giving it to someone else.

Do you plan on doing this in real life.

14. Convince a partner to let me use a condom.

Do you plan on doing this in real life.

15. Plan ahead to be sure I always have condoms on hand whenever I have sex.

Do you plan on doing this in real life?

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