Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Vol. 1, August 10, 1998

David S. Hall, Ph.D.

Appendix A
The Antioch College
Sexual Offense Policy

All sexual contact and conduct on the Antioch College campus and/or occurring with an Antioch community member must be consensual.

When a sexual offense, as defined herein, is committed by a community member, such action will not be tolerated.

Antioch College provides and maintains educational programs for all community members, some aspects of which are required.  The educational aspects of this policy are intended to prevent sexual offenses and ultimately to heighten community awareness.

In support of this policy and community safety, a support network exists that consists of the Sexual Offense Prevention and Survivors' Advocacy Program, an Advocate, Peer Advocates, and victim/survivor support groups through the Sexual Offense Prevention and Survivors' Advocacy Program and Counseling Services.

The Advocate (or other designated administrator) shall be responsible for initiation and coordination of measures required by this policy.

The implementation of this policy also utilizes established Antioch governance structures and adheres to contractual obligations.


1. For the purpose of this policy, "consent" shall be defined as follows: the act of willingly and verbally agreeing to engage in specific sexual contact or conduct.

2. If sexual contact and/or conduct is not mutually and simultaneously initiated, then the person who initiates sexual contact/conduct is responsible for getting the verbal consent of the other individual(s) involved.

3. Obtaining consent is an on-going process in any sexual interaction.  Verbal consent should be obtained with each new level of physical and/or sexual contact/conduct in any given interaction, regardless of who initiates it.  Asking "Do you want to have sex with me?" is not enough.  The request for consent must be specific to each act.

4. The person with whom sexual contact/conduct is initiated is responsible to express verbally and/or physically her/his willingness or lack of willingness when reasonably possible.

5. If someone has initially consented but then stops consenting during a sexual interaction, she/he should communicate withdrawal verbally and/or through physical resistance.  The other individual(s) must stop immediately.

6. To knowingly take advantage of someone who is under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or prescribed medication is not acceptable behavior in the Antioch community.

7. If someone verbally agrees to engage in specific contact or conduct, but it is not of her/his own free will due to any of the circumstances stated in (a) through (d) below, then the person initiating shall be considered in violation of this policy if:

 a) the person submitting is under the influence of alcohol or other substances supplied to her/him by the person initiating;
 b) the person submitting is incapacitated by alcohol, drugs, and/or prescribed medication;
 c) the person submitting is asleep or unconscious;
 d) the person initiating has forced, threatened, coerced, or intimidated the other individual(s) into engaging in sexual contact and/or sexual conduct.

(This is the first part, the policy statement continues with definitions of offenses and procedures to be followed, for a total of nine pages.)

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